Janine Hoskins Spirit Award
2023 Donna Spence
Donna has become a mainstay of the RGNR Registration Room by giving up hours of her time to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that all who attend have a positive experience. This is especially important when it comes to new members.
Donna welcomes all with a warm smile which is representative of who we are as a RGNR family. She is also a medical professional, who has taken this gift and has assisted those with medical needs during our events.
Donna's participation, dedication and exceptional enthusiasm are what the Spirit award is all about!
2022 Kenny Johnson |
Kenny is one of those rare people who are just genuinely nice all of the time. Always offering a hand when he sees someone in need, regardless if they are a stranger to him or not and he is always there to greet you with a smile and/or hug.
He has what seems to be equal energy, passion and commitment to everyone within our group. His participation on roadglide.org has helped build a bridge between different groups within our organization. He has been a great asset on the forum with nothing but positive posts and finding a way to get to know all of the members, new and old.
Kenny truly exhibits the spirit that this award is all about.
2021 Honor Hulkill |

From the very start Honor has displayed enthusiasm, love and care towards the Road Glide National Rally and its participants. She and her husband Mart can always be found working the registration desk and contributing their time to help the Road Glide National Rally run as smoothly as possible.
She lives to ride and to find new adventures. Some of the membership have stated that she reminds them of of Janine in the way she lives her life to the fullest. She loves to ride and loves people.
2020 Ron Cushing |
It would be hard to imagine a more deserving first recipient of the Janine Hoskins Spirit Award. Since the very first year of Sharkweek, Ron Cushing has consistently put forth an extra amount of effort managing the Sharkweek funds and doing whatever needs to be done to make certain our organizations continues to thrive.
The Road Glide National Rally acknowledges Ron’s efforts and his accomplishments. Listed below are a few of the items but there are many more.
- securing non profit status
- establishing a proper bank account
- development of the helper fund - extra monies for members who are in need
- proper group insurance
- onsite payment system that is integrated with our bank account
In addition he has been "staff" photographer, a constant assistant for whoever is chair of Sharkweek, produced additional funds for our group through the sale of patches and road signs and is always active online and in our Facebook account. Most of all, Ron has always showed the helping hand to all members of this group.